CD Release - Heritage

Milnrow Band are excited to officially announce the release of our eagerly awaited 150th anniversary album, Heritage.

Heritage is an album of easy listening concert favourites, beautiful solos and music that is close to our hearts to celebrate the Milnrow Band’s 150th Anniversary.

The original release date was set to coincide with our 150th Anniversary Concert at Rochdale Town Hall however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately the concert was postponed. Initially we decided to wait to release this disc at the rearranged concert but at this point nobody knows when that will be and music is becoming an integral part of people's mental wellbeing during this ‘Stay At Home’ period.

Thanks must go to KMJ Recordings for helping us produce such a fantastic album, Keith and Jess make an incredible team! Also to IMDesign and Jolly Northerner for their design work, finally to St Thomas Church, Newhey for allowing us to record in the church.

Heritage is available directly from the band at a price of £10 + p&p so drop us a message on our social media platforms, email us at or call Natalie Beer on 07795 148620 to get yours.

EDIT - The CD is now available directly from the shop here on our website.


Derek Rogers 1943-2020


The Rochdale Coconut Dance