John Doyle Steps Down as Musical Director.

Milnrow Band announces that Musical Director John Doyle has stepped down from his position with immediate effect.

John has recently taken a large promotion in his day job which has added numerous demands on his time and efforts, this coupled with a two hour round trip to band twice a week has meant that he hasn’t been spending the time with his young family that he wants or they deserve - because of this John has taken the difficult decision to not only step down as MD of Milnrow Band, but to also take a break from banding in general.

In his resignation, John can be quoted as explaining “I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 2 years with Milnrow and feel that the band is very special indeed.” and also “I really hope we can work together again in the future and you can understand why I have had to make this really difficult decision. I really do wish the band well in the future.”

The band are understandably sad to have lost such a forward thinking and energetic MD in John but fully understand and support his decision to be a more present parent during his children's formative years. Milnrow Band thanks John for having played a large part in getting the band back active and playing to a good standard again following the unprecedented time off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The band’s management team has acted swiftly to appoint conductors to fulfil current engagements whilst the audition process for a new Musical Director starts.

The band are currently inviting applications for the vacancies of Musical Director and Principal Cornet, apply in confidence using or call Natalie Beer on 07795 148620.


Milnrow Doesn’t Skip A Beat


Adding Experience and Quality.